Crimson court walkthrough
Crimson court walkthrough

crimson court walkthrough

Exit to the tavern and talk to Horgus Gwerm. The quest will begin after you help Irabet fight off the attack on the city and wake up in the "Heart of the Defender". A stranger (another one) will appear, who will promise to accept you into your “club” if you continue in the same spirit. If you convinced Caleb of the Black Wing Library to go to the Gray Garrison and mine the local library, now everyone in it will explode. Go through the center door that leads to the library. And you need to get into it, but a key is required. In the other there will be a hole, and behind it is a chest with magic essence (you need a software to restore the split gold buckle from the Storyteller). A stranger will appear in one of the rooms on the right.

crimson court walkthrough

There are two rooms on the left and right. After going up to the second floor (make sure to go up to where you have not already been), inspect the side rooms. I used the second one (there will be a wall at the top, but there is a lever on the right that must be pulled), and it was located behind a bookcase inside a small room where the demon taught people alchemy from the human body. When you're ready, go up the stairs to the left of the map or the stairs in the upper right corner to the second floor. He will be sitting in a chair to the left of the innkeeper. You will automatically return to the tavern. Talk to the Storyteller again, say that you will take him, and confirm the action. You will advance on the quest "Common Cause". Do not forget to chat with other characters - these are the Knights of the Flame Lance, and they will agree to help the Heart of the Protector. Talk to the Storyteller and agree to escort the blind elf to the Protector's Heart.

crimson court walkthrough

In this case, they will leave the location. Say that there is one place left and they will start fighting with each other. If you can't pass the athletics test, you will have to act chaotically and pretend to be a servant of Baphomet. Pass the athletics test, but if you fail, the Storyteller and the other hostages will burn to death. Inside, immediately save and talk to Caleb. You will need to go past the market square below the Heart of the Protector. Also, besides the innkeeper, one more character inside the tavern has his own goods (scrolls). You can buy mercenaries from him - 500 gold for each. In the same tavern, next to the Irabeth table is Haylor.

Crimson court walkthrough